[TF2]Rivalry Counter
This is an idea I got from the TF2 Killer’s info plugin. What TF2 Killer’s info does is show relevant info about your killer upon...
[TF2]Domination Taunt Frenzy 0.1
Highlights a domination by making EVERYONE on the server taunt and granting (mini)crits for 15 seconds.
Legume 0.5
I’m very grateful to Dale Reidy (http://blog.dalereidy.co.uk) for Legume and for the recent 0.5 release (which contained examples!). I currently have coded the networking part...
Networking - I think I found the ONE
I’ve been trying to setup the networking for Blast2D for the past couple of weeks (on and off). At first, I tried using MasterMind here: https://www.geometrian.com/programming/projects/index.php?project=Mastermind%20Networking%20Library...
Blast2D - Where do we go now?
Okay, so school has been tough lately and I didn’t find much time to work on the game, but I sure had time for lots...
Regarding the game (Blast2D)
Like many others, I grew up playing video games (among other things, of course). I always had a fascination for them, and like to many others,...
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