Upgrade your ArmGun with funds. Eliminate intruders to acquire funds. Made in ~48 hours for 2018's McGameJam.
Fast Paced Multiplayer Implementation: Smooth Server Reconciliation
This demo concludes the server reconciliation technique by adding error smoothing.
Radio Buddy (Global Game Jam 2018)
A tiny networked multiplayer game.
https_sentry (Python multithreading)
A tool for checking a Jekyll site's URL health and upgrading its URLs from HTTP to HTTPS.
Migrated to Jekyll
Now settled on Jekyll after having tried Ghost and Wordpress.
Arcane Android Incantations (legacy OpenFL/Lime Android builds with Android API 26)
It took me many frustrating hours to update from Android API 16 to 26, and I hope this write-up will save others from the same pain.
Fast-Paced Multiplayer Implementation: Netlib + Client-side prediction and server reconciliation
I'll discuss my minimalist reliable UDP library implementation and how it improves the demo's client-side prediction and server reconciliation.
Fast-Paced Multiplayer Implementation: Message Delivery Types
Minimalist reliable UDP library planning for the demo's simulated network, and discussusion of various message delivery types used for UDP.
Fast-Paced Multiplayer Implementation: Modeling Network Conditions
The demo simulates the following network properties for each player. It's possible to set these separately for incoming and outgoing messages.
Fast-Paced Multiplayer Implementation Series
Announcing a new series on fast-paced multiplayer! It focuses on implementation details with reliable UDP libraries.
The state of gamedev in Haxe
Preamble: I posted this on reddit half a year ago, so it’s slightly outdated, but I want to keep a copy of it in case...
Peasant Knight Devlog 5
The past few weeks/month have been completely crazy, but yay I just found some time to write a proper devlog update. I’ll sum up some...
Peasant Knight Devlog 4
Wow. It’s been a while. So much has happened, I don’t even. Big news first:
Peasant Knight Devlog 3
Yay! New stuff! Finally got to work on some new gameplay things. Also added new levels, for a grand total of 16.
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